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Testimonials from Students, Educators and Experts in Civics and Education
Students, teachers, and experts in civics and education have been praising the National Student/Parent Mock Election for the quality of experience it provides all involved.
Please enjoy these testimonials from dozens of past participants:
From Students
"I was one of the kids who voted in the first 'mock election' back in 1980. Did it again in 1984 and 1988. In 1992, I cast my first vote in the actual voting booth, and I haven't missed an election since. Why? Because someone cared enough to start and struggle to maintain a project aimed at teaching little ones the importance of voting ... Those 'mock elections' made an impression; the 'habit' of voting was firmly imprinted by 1988, enough so that I was a bit annoyed at the fact that I couldn't actually go to the polls."
-- "Dawn" in Oklahoma
"This was truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! For the first time in my life, I felt as if I actually had a 'say' in the political world. Even though I knew this was a mock election, I still took this opportunity very seriously. The chance to interact with all of the other Louisiana youth-all interested in the way our government works and the future of our country-I felt very blessed to have been a part of that! I may not have been legally old enough to vote, but participating in the mock election gave me a feeling of pride I know I couldn't have received anywhere else!"
-- Kenny, Franklin Parish, Louisiana
"To see teens from all across the state come together, embrace their future role as voters and contributors to society, and have fun doing it as well was amazing to watch. It was more about students getting excited about the process and the part that they can play in it here and now, rather than about parties and candidates."
-- Landon, East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana
"Since I want to be President of the United States when I grow up this was really special for me. I would love to be a grade level coordinator next election. I will be in the 8th grade then."
-- Andy Dessel, 11, Pennsylvania
"I really wish I could vote. Some people say one vote isn't a big difference, but I think it is."
-- Peter McAleer, 11, Connecticut
From Educators
"... I participated in an event, the Mock Election ... that saw students hungry to learn about issues, hungry to experience the right to vote, and hungry to speak their minds about issues relevant to their lives. It was one of the top three events in my teaching career of ten years."
-- Sandra Lippee, formerly of Scripps Ranch High School, California
"The National Student/Parent Mock Election provides an excellent opportunity for students around the country to participate in and become excited about the electoral process. We want students to understand and value their rights and responsibilities as citizens. The National Student/Parent Mock Election helps foster enthusiasm for our democracy and will increase participation in our election process in the future. I strongly encourage support for their efforts."
-- Charles J. Skemp, former Social Studies Specialist, Minnesota Department of Children, Families & Learning
"Our school truly had a great experience with the Mock Election ... We feel it was an incredible opportunity for the students and faculty alike! I will definitely alert the students about this opportunity for them."
-- Miriam Dolin, St Benedict At Auburndale, Cordova, Tennessee
"Thank you, for all of your efforts to make the National Mock Election such an educational and rewarding process. I have been teaching history and government since 1970, and this is by far the most educational process I have been involved with. The students were actively engaged with the process and the thought-provoking questions and selections. The internet process worked flawlessly for us. Being a small, rural school it broadened our horizons."
-- Ed Harold, Weskan Schools USD 242, Weskan, Kansas
"We had a wonderful time with this! We thank all of YOU that helped make it such an organized success! You made being a part of this election easy for busy educators and exciting for students. Thank You! We'll be back in four years!!"
-- Jackie Clark, Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg Elementary, North Kerkhoven, Minnesota
"I teach a classroom of students with multiple disabilities ... The Mock Election offered a comprehensive way for them to participate in this piece of history. I look forward to involving future students with similar endeavors... Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
-- Meghan A. Kraus, Intervention Specialist, Arbor Hills Junior High, Sylvania, Ohio
"Thank you very much for helping our school to participate in this mock election! It enabled the students to become involved in the voting process and better understand their responsibility as American citizens. Their ability to be involved in the decision seemed to increase not only their awareness but also their desire to better understand the process, the candidates, and the issues."
-- Helen Machleder, Librarian, Mendham Township Elementary, Brookside, New Jersey
"It was amazing to see our students participate in this process and to be as excited as they were! I am not sure who was more excited, me or them! It was wonderful. I hope that you will be able to use our voting numbers along with others from across the country to identify whom our students would like to lead them to the future. Again thank you!"
-- Altoya Brinkley-Cumber, Gifted Teacher, Little Creek Elementary, Norfolk, Virginia
"When science, language arts, foreign languages, art, and math teachers integrated their curriculum to teach the electoral process, then our students began to realize how critical it is to understand politics, public policy, and public purpose that underscore our social studies curriculum."
-- Cheryl Morrow, Teacher, Spain Park High, Hoover, Alabama
"The National Student/Parent Mock Election was the catalyst for our project ... we are thankful for organizations such as this that motivate school participation in worthy projects."
-- Celia Stewart, Enrichment Teacher, Vestavia Hills Elementary, Birmingham, Alabama
"The real prize has been watching these students grow and learn about our nation, to feel pride in participating in the Democratic process ... They are America, and I have been so proud to watch them show me what they can do."
-- Chrissy Stranahan, Computer Assistant, Desert Heights Elementary, Reno, Nevada
"The Republic of the Marshall Islands is a relatively young democratic nation. Host nation students within the school participated in the planning and developing of all activities ... these young adults found themselves caught up in the election process and were as excited as their American counterparts as the process reached its crescendo and culminated in the rally and mock election. These activities will live on as a reminder to these students as they work to grow their own democracy ..."
-- Ricardo Fullerton, Teacher, Kwajalein Jr./Sr. High, Republic of the Marshall Islands
"The amount of effort these students put into this unit was amazing. Our students were so informed that we often found ourselves learning from them!"
-- Kariane Ransdell, Broadcast Educator, Thomas Jefferson Middle, Louisville, Kentucky
"This election project gave teachers a new perspective to teach from, another way to make history and journalism meaningful in their lives. Suddenly issues ... were seen from the point of view of the teen, not the historian. It enriched all of our experiences."
-- Andi Mulshine, Journalism Teacher, Communications High, Wall, New Jersey
"This project immersed the students in the election/voting process, engaging them through research, creativity, and expression."
-- Vernetta Nuriddin, PTA Legislative Chair, Beecher Hills Elementary, Atlanta, Georgia
"When you have a five-year-old who is able to name the candidates, the issues and explain in detail why they chose the candidate they chose ... you have made a huge impact on the students and their community."
-- Gina Weaver, Reading Specialist, William Beanes Elementary, Suitland, Maryland
"It was amazing to see our students participate in this process and to be as excited as they were! I am not sure who was more excited, me or them! It was wonderful. I hope that you will be able to use our voting numbers along with others from across the country to identify who our students would like to lead them to the future. Again thank you!"
-- Altoya Brinkley-Cumber, Gifted Teacher, Little Creek Elementary, Norfolk, Virginia
"How exciting this was! Pick for a President: Abraham Lincoln. % that loved participating in a Mock Election: 100%! Thank you for organizing this fantastic event."
-- Carolyn Barbuzza, Social Studies Teacher, Meyer Levin Intermediate School, Brooklyn, NY
"On Oct 30th, at Space Coast, Jr/Sr High School in Port St. John, Florida over 1600 students voted on who will be our next President. Students, having discussed the issues and candidates in their Social Studies classes, came to the school's Media Center prepared and voted. They voted for issues and Florida representatives as well. The atmosphere was exciting and a great learning experience ... Thank you for helping us w/this great student event."
-- Peter J. Arroyo, Social Studies Department, Chair, Space Coast Jr/Sr High School, Cocoa, Florida
"Students brought home their enthusiasm, and discussed politics with their friends, parents, and other members of the community."
-- Roberta Hasstedt, ASB Advisor, Cascade High School
"The Oregon Mock Election was clearly a success in getting students excited about the right to vote, understanding the importance of making educated election decisions, understanding the mechanics of voting, learning where to find trustworthy information, and sharing these lessons with their parents and the public."
-- Rebecca Smith, Executive Administrator, Oregon League of Women Voters
"I LOVED the mock election site, the links, and the whole experience. My students were eagerly involved, and on "election day" they took the vote very seriously. Thank you for providing the opportunity to our nation's children."
-- Donnetta Elsasser, Touchet School, Touchet, Washington
From Experts
"... the National Student/Parent Mock Election played an important role in fostering greater participation across the country. Their approaches might usefully be studied and their techniques duplicated in other nations around the world."
-- International Foundation for Election Systems
"The NSPME is ... in a unique position to help foster creative and effective government around the world."
-- Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government
From Public Officials
"It will be an experience you will never forget!"
-- Former Senator Ted Kennedy said of The National Student/Parent Mock Election
"The National Student/Parent Mock Election is not only the 'largest voter education project ever' (TIME), but also the largest violence prevention project ever."
-- Senator Orrin Hatch